Brandon Carl from PointSolve Technology created an incredible package to integrate Ninite Pro with Labtech. Brandon has asked me to remove the old package as the new version Is currently in development and will be released soon. NO CUSTOM INSTALL LOCATIONS No Custom Install Locations. We don't plan to support custom install locations because we believe where an app is installed is an implementation detail that users shouldn't worry about. NINITE - INSTALL OR UPDATE MULTIPLE APPS AT ONCE The easiest, fastest way to update or install software. Ninite downloads and installs programs automatically in the background. NINITE PRO - AUTOMATIC PATCHING AND UPDATES FOR POPULAR The easiest way to manage software. Ninite Pro integrates with remote management tools to silently install or update popular third-party apps like Flash, Java, and Reader. NINITE CHROME VLC WINAMP UNATTENDED SILENT INSTALLER AND Install or update Chrome VLC Winamp silently and unattended in the background. NINITE VLC WINRAR UNATTENDED SILENT INSTALLER AND UPDATER Install or update VLC WinRAR silently and unattended in the background. NINITE CHROME OPENOFFICE SKYPE VLC UNATTENDED SILENT Install or update Chrome OpenOffice Skype VLC silently and unattended in the background. It is pretty common to install various different software on your computer.COMMAND-LINE SWITCH REFERENCE Command-Line Switch Reference. There are a ton of applications that are useful in many different ways. We have Skype for Voice/Video calls or messages. We also have a ton of antivirus programs.

There are browsers, IDEs and lots of other things. We usually download and install these programs one by one. For example, if you installed a fresh copy of Windows or bought a new computer then you would like to have all the applications on the new system. Since you are used to Google Chrome, Skype, and various other programs, you will download them one by one.

Although this isn’t a tiresome process, but it can be a bit frustrating especially if you install all of these programs in one sitting. There are a lot of options that you have to go through during the installation process. The setup process for applications isn’t a complicated process but it does require you to interact more than a couple of times and it can waste a lot of your time. What Ninite offers is a way to save time and effort at very reasonable prices. Ninite not only downloads all the selected applications but it also takes care of the updates of the applications which is another plus point of Ninite.